Refer a
Family or Educator

If you know a family who could use our services, or an educator who you’d like to have as your In Home Carer, let us know!

Refer a Family

You may not be eligible or need In Home Child Care, but you may know a family who does.

You can refer a family who:

  • Has a child who has an illness or disability
  • Has an adult member who has an illness or disability which affects their ability to care for their child
  • Lives in an area that is too far from other education and care services
  • Works hours that are outside normal service hours

If there are other complex circumstances that make mainstream care inaccessible, then it might be worth finding out whether a family is eligible or not.

We do not process applications for eligibility ourselves (the NSW and ACT In Home Care Support Agencies do), but we are happy to share our experience in the sector and what our service can offer if a family is eligible.

Refer a Family form

Refer a Family form

Does this family experience one or more of the following?

Is this a referral for your family, or for someone else?

Do they know that you are referring them to us?

13 + 8 =

Referring an Educator ensures you have a qualified In Home Child Carer looking after your child.

Refer an Educator

Some families may have already identified an educator they would like to bring on-board themselves.

In this case, the educator must still fit our criteria and under-go our standard recruitment process.

They cannot be a family or friend, but it is helpful when families view themselves as part of the recruitment process.

Through, for example:

  • babysitter websites/apps
  • Facebook groups
  • word-of-mouth

in order to ensure their care starts sooner rather than later. This is especially applicable for regional and remote areas.

If you would like to refer an educator and enquire with us, please use the form or give us a call on 02 9779 9999 (option 3)!

Refer an Educator form

Refer an Educator form

Do you know if they have any of the following qualifications?

What languages do they speak?

Is this person a family member or friend?

Do they know that you are referring them to us?

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